ABS Harness Upgrade

Product Overview
The HMWS ABS rear harness has been designed to eliminate premature failures experienced with the Toyota Landcruiser 70 series. After being approached by our customers, HMWS redesigned the OEM's ABS harness to eliminate the failure modes associated with harmonics and conduit wear. Increased durability and wear resistance in harsh operating conditions, oil and grease resistant and flame retardant.
Product Description
Our design improved tensile strength using a Hi-Flex cable with a larger wire gauge and tinned copper braided protection increasing mechanical integrity. Wear and tear resistance was enhanced by using a cable with a low adhesive and flexible polyurethane thermoplastic (PUR) outer sheath with a fixed installation temperature range from -40C to +80C. The PUR outer sheath offers additional protection which is halogen free, resistant to most oils and greases and flame retardant. The HMWS ABS Rear Harness has pre-designed OEM brackets should they need replacing. The brackets are designed to optimise the cable strain relief by adding additional cable supports. All brackets are 1.5mm thick powder coated mild steel.